FF9 のアレンジ『Worlds Apart』がリリースされてついでにDLしたのだけどこちらの方が好みだったという。
Disc 1
1. Preluematsude (Prelude) 4:09
2. The Last March (The Imperial Army) 4:33
3. Rebirth (Revival) 3:16
4. Rebel Dream [Main Theme (FF1), The Rebel Army, Find Your Way (FF8), Main Theme] 6:07★
5. Leon Is a Fucking Dick (Battle Theme 1) 4:05★
6. garLACTUS Win [Victory, Fanfare (FF7)] 2:19★
7. Deuces (Ancient Castle) 2:50
8. Firion N Maria (Will Take You to the Rebels) [The Rebel Army] 5:13★
9. Analog Freedom (Town, The Rebel Army) 3:27
10. the final WON (Battle Theme A, Victory) 4:00
11. Rebellion (Dead Music, The Rebel Army) 4:31★
Disc 2
1. Heroes of Dawn [Chaos Temple (FF1), Reunion, The Rebel Army, Deep Under the Water (FF3), Dead Music (FF1)] 6:48
2. Snakeyes (Battle Theme B) 6:35
3. Grind My Crank (Tower of the Magi) 4:03
4. Personification of Evil (The Emperor's Rebirth, Escape!) 3:53
5. A Kingdom Fallen (Main Theme) 6:27★★
6. Torchlit (Dungeon) 5:38★
7. GG but ___ Solos Win [Victory, The Winner (FF8)] 2:46
8. Castellum Infernum (Castle Pandemonium) 3:49★★
9. Imperial Rapture (Battle Theme 2) 6:14★
10. Finally (Finale) 1:28
FF1アレンジ『Random Encounter』と同じ人達によるハードロックよりアレンジというのもあるけど、多分元のノビヨ師匠の曲的にも古い方がシンプルな分アレンジの幅が広げ易くて結果出来も良くなる傾向があるのではないかと。
といいつつFF7の『Voices of the Lifestream』は別。というか別格。