2009.07.29 [長年日記]

[CD][FF IV][ゲーム] コンポで聞かねば


”Echoes of Betrayal, Light of Redemption”、戯曲仕立てといいますかプログラムが用意されていたり。

1-01:“Full of Courage” (The Red Wings)
The Red Wings take the stage and the story begins.


1-02:“The Might of Baron” (Kingdom of Baron)
The audience is greeted by the evil empire Baron, who is ordering Cecil to take the world's crystals by force.


1-03:“Overture ~ Tellah’s Prophecy” (Medley)
The curtain goes down and the audience is introduced into the world of Final Fantasy IV.


1-04:“Journey to Solace” (Sorrow and Loss)
At Baron, we find Cecil distraught. When he questions the King's motives directly, he is banished
from his home and, accompanied with his best friend Kain, is given the task of courier.

1-05:“Ana(pro)logue” (Prologue)
Together, they walk away from Baron eager to make their mark on the world and fulfill their destinies.

何故アナログ?アナログシンセぽい音、かなあ…Moog の SoundTrackに似たような曲があるけど。

1-06:“The Flying Machine” (Main Theme of FINAL FANTASY IV)
But right outside the castle, they are immediately met with the dangers that will face them along their journey.

1-07:“Read the Sine” (Welcome to Our Town!)
Taking a break, they seek sanctuary in the nearby town and regain their strength to continue.


1-10:“Of Fiend and Man” (Battle 1)
Cecil, with the help of Rydia, and later Tellah, fight on with only the hope to make the world right after all the wrong that has befallen it.


1-12:“The Skies Hold No Angels for Us” (Castle Damcyan)
The celebration is cut short and the party witness before their eyes the fall of Damcyan.


1-14:“Golbez ‘N Goblins” (Golbez, Clad in the Dark)
And the true villain emerges.

このアレンジャーさんは何でもトランス系にしちゃうんだよなあ。すぐこの人だって分かる。トランス嫌いには無条件に嫌われるが、好きな人(=自分)には無条件で好かれる曲ですな。某『FINAL FANTASY REMIX』のアレンジャーより余程上手いと思うんだけど。

1-15:“Fighting for Tomorrow" (Fabul)

In an attempt to stop the world's crystals from being taken, Cecil and crew fight to protect Fabul from the forces of Baron and Golbez.



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